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Osmotic Pressure

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Paul Wyman

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1y ago
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Q: What is a force that moves water into a space where a solute is more concentrated?
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Which best describes how water moves during osomosis?

In osmosis, the water moves from low solute concentration to high solute concentration.

Is there work done when an asteroid moves in space with the absence of external force?

Work is equal to Force x Distance. If no force is applied, no work is done.

A rock moves in a straight path in space with a constant there any force acting on the there any work done when the rock moves?

There is no force acting and therefore no work done.

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Describe how water moves during?

From areas of higher concentration (of water) to lower concentration (of water) - ie it fills the space. That would mean that it would flow from a solution whose concentration of solute is higher to one where the solute concentration is lower.

How does light work with no gravity?

There is no friction in space. Because of this, anything in space that moves in space will keep going forever unless an force equal to the amount of force used to move the object is used to slow or stop it. Same goes with light, which will continue moving through space until it encounters an obstacle.

Are black holes the corruption of quantum foam?

Black holes are basically large amounts of mass in a small space - when matter is concentrated to such an extent that the gravitational force becomes so strong that a ray of light can't escape this space.

What kind of force moves an object away (4th grade)?

The two major forces that act upon a body are centrifugal force and centripetal force. Centrifugal force causes a body to fly outwards, or moves a body away and centripetal force counteracts centrifugal force, preventing the object from flying out and keeping it moving with a constant speed, in a circular path.Search templates (CTRL+Space) New TemplateHide button

Billions of stars in a concentrated or dense group in space is what?

When billion of stars are in a concentrated dense cloud it is called a galaxy.

What moves through space where there is no matter?

Constellation is moved by space

What is space force?

A space force is a military branch that prepares for or conducts space warfare. As of January 2020, the only nation with an independent space force is the United States, which established the United States Space Force in December 2019.

Bad points about traveling to space?

You have to get so concentrated till you sweat