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Friction and inertia's factors

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Shana Bradtke

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2y ago
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I think you're referring to the reaction force.

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9y ago

The force that one surface exerts on another when they are rubbed together is called friction. Friction resists the motion of these two objects.

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Friction or specifically static friction.

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Q: What is a force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are touching is called?
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What is the force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are touching each other?

The force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are touching each other is called friction. Friction occurs because of the interactions between the molecules on the surfaces in contact.

What is the force the opposes motion between two surface that are touching?

The force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are touching is called friction. Friction occurs due to the microscopic roughness of surfaces coming in contact with each other, causing resistance to motion. The two main types of friction are static friction, which prevents surfaces from starting to move, and kinetic friction, which opposes the motion of surfaces that are already in motion.

What is the force that opposes motion between surfaces called?

The force that opposes motion between surfaces is called friction. It is caused by the interactions between atoms and molecules on the two surfaces in contact.

Unbalanced force opposing motion between touching surfaces?

The unbalanced force that opposes motion between touching surfaces is called friction. It acts in the opposite direction of the applied force and depends on the nature of the surfaces and the force pressing them together. Friction can be reduced by using lubricants or by increasing the smoothness of the surfaces.

The force that opposes motion between two surfaces that are in contact is?

The force that opposes motion between two surfaces in contact is called friction. Friction occurs due to the irregularities on the surfaces that interlock when in contact, creating resistance to sliding or moving.

Related questions

Unbalanced force opposing motion between touching surfaces?

The unbalanced force that opposes motion between touching surfaces is called friction. It acts in the opposite direction of the applied force and depends on the nature of the surfaces and the force pressing them together. Friction can be reduced by using lubricants or by increasing the smoothness of the surfaces.

What is an unbalanced force that opposes motion between two surfaces called?


What is the force called that opposes motion between two surfaces that are in contact?

The force is called friction. It acts in the opposite direction to the force applied to move an object or keep it in motion.

What is the force that opposes motion between two surfaces?

Friction. This type of friction is called static friction.

Force that resists motion between two touching surfaces and always acts opposite to the direction of motion?

Friction is the force that resists motion between two touching surfaces by acting opposite to the direction of motion. It is caused by the interactions between the molecules of the surfaces in contact, which creates resistance to sliding or rolling.

What is the force called that is movement of two touching surface?

The word is friction. Friction is movement between two surfaces and is also a function of gravity.

What do you call a force that opposes the motion of one surface as it moves across another?

This is one form of the property called friction. It is not a kinetic force, but opposes a force. It is caused by the interaction between molecules of the interacting surfaces. When motion occurs between surfaces, friction may convert mechanical energy to thermal energy (heating).For some surfaces, notably liquids, it can be much less than others, notably rough solids. There are different types of friction, and rolling friction is usually less than sliding friction. Lubricants are used to reduce friction by adding a layer of smoother or liquid material between surfaces.

What is the force when two materials rub together?

The force when two materials rub together is called friction. Friction is a resistive force that opposes the relative motion or tendency of motion between two surfaces in contact. The magnitude of the frictional force depends on factors such as the nature of the surfaces and the force pressing them together.

What force opposes motion whenever two surfaces rub againest each other?

The force that opposes motion when two surfaces rub against each other is called friction. Friction occurs due to the interaction between the molecules of the two surfaces, which creates resistance to motion.

What is the Force between two nonmoving surfaces called?

The Force between two unmoving surfaces is called Static Friction. Were I got Information: Off the top of my head.

An electric discharge between two oppositely charged surfaces called what?

An electric discharge between two oppositely charged surfaces is called static electricity. This phenomenon occurs when an excess of electrons is transferred from one surface to another, resulting in a build-up of charge that can discharge in the form of a spark.

What is sticking points between two surfaces that cause friction called?

The sticking points between two surfaces that cause friction are called "asperities." These microscopic irregularities on the surfaces of objects interlock and resist movement, leading to frictional forces.