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Q: What is a form of a gene that always has its effect when it is present?
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What form of gene that always shows even in the presence of recessive allele?

The dominant gene always shows up in the presence of a recessive allele. This is because the dominant gene masks the expression of the recessive gene when both are present in an individual's genetic makeup.

Which form of a gene pair is expressed when both dominant and recessive are present?


What is the stronger gene for a trait always shows up in the offspring?

Yes, the dominant allele, if present, always overpowers the recessive one. There are exceptions though, when there are two different dominant alleles. These show in the form of co-dominance (two dominant traits that blend) and incomplete dominance (two dominant traits that both appear).

What form is a gene that is always expressed if present?

This is the dominate gene, and is normally represent by a capital letter. Then gene which is not expressed is the recessive gene and is represented by a lower case letter. For example the if someone had expressed a brown eyed phenotype and did not carry the gene for blue eyes it be represented as BB (B standing for Brown). If they expressed the brown eye phenotype and also carried the gene for blue eyes it would be represented as Bb (b does not stand for blue it stands for NOT BROWN) While if someone had blue eyes it would be represented as bb

What does recessive mean as it relates to genes?

A recessive gene is one that is only expressed if an individual has two copies of that gene. This means that the trait associated with the recessive gene is not visible unless an individual inherits two copies, one from each parent. If an individual inherits only one copy of a recessive gene, the dominant gene will be expressed instead.

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What form of gene that always shows even in the presence of recessive allele?

The dominant gene always shows up in the presence of a recessive allele. This is because the dominant gene masks the expression of the recessive gene when both are present in an individual's genetic makeup.

Which form of a gene pair is expressed when both dominant and recessive are present?


What is the form of a gene that is hidden or masked when any other form of that same gene is present?

The hidden or masked form of a gene is called recessive. Recessive genes are only expressed when an individual carries two copies of the recessive allele. When a dominant allele is present, it will be expressed instead of the recessive allele.

If a mouse inherits a dominant gene for a long tail and a recessive gene for a short tail what tail length will the mouse have?

whatever type of tail it wants to.Answer: When a dominant gene is present, it will always be expressed. The only time a recessive gene is expressed is when no dominant gene is present. Therefore, the mouse in question will have a long tail.

What is dominant in biology mean?

In genetics it refers to a gene that will always be expressed when present. In behavioral Biology dominance refers to members of a population that are basically in charge.

What is the stronger gene for a trait always shows up in the offspring?

Yes, the dominant allele, if present, always overpowers the recessive one. There are exceptions though, when there are two different dominant alleles. These show in the form of co-dominance (two dominant traits that blend) and incomplete dominance (two dominant traits that both appear).

What is a version of a gene that masks the effect of another version?

A dominant gene is a version of a gene that will be expressed and mask the effect of a recessive gene in a heterozygous individual.

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What form is a gene that is always expressed if present?

This is the dominate gene, and is normally represent by a capital letter. Then gene which is not expressed is the recessive gene and is represented by a lower case letter. For example the if someone had expressed a brown eyed phenotype and did not carry the gene for blue eyes it be represented as BB (B standing for Brown). If they expressed the brown eye phenotype and also carried the gene for blue eyes it would be represented as Bb (b does not stand for blue it stands for NOT BROWN) While if someone had blue eyes it would be represented as bb

What does recessive mean as it relates to genes?

A recessive gene is one that is only expressed if an individual has two copies of that gene. This means that the trait associated with the recessive gene is not visible unless an individual inherits two copies, one from each parent. If an individual inherits only one copy of a recessive gene, the dominant gene will be expressed instead.

Which form of gene pair is expressed when both dominant and recessive are present?

In a situation where both a dominant and recessive allele are present in a gene pair, the dominant allele will be expressed phenotypically. The presence of a dominant allele overrides the expression of the recessive allele.

The total number of genes present in a population is the?

gene pool