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"Comic-Relief" is the use or application of comedy to relieve tension .

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The form of comedy used to ease tension in a tragedy is called "comic relief." It involves the introduction of humor to provide temporary relief from the intense emotions and seriousness of tragic events.

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Q: What is a form of comedy used to ease tension in a tragedy called either tragic or comic?
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Difference between tragedy and comedy?

basically the only difference is the ending. a comedy will have a happy ending i.e. wedding, whereas a tragedy will have a sad ending usually the death of the main character. either one can have funny or sad parts throughout but the ending is what makes it a comedy or a tragedy.

Is The Merchant of Venice a tragedy?

Plays are categorised as either a comedy (made to make people laugh) or a tragedy (the equivalent of a soap Opera); a tragedy is a play where bad things happen to the main characters, but in this case are resolved pleasantly for them.

Why is 'The Merchant of Venice' a tragedy?

Plays are categorised as either a comedy (made to make people laugh) or a tragedy (the equivalent of a soap opera); a tragedy is a play where bad things happen to the main characters, but in this case are resolved pleasantly for them.

What would be Shakespeare's emblem if he was a superhero?

Either a quill pen or a better image might be the two masks showing a smiling and a sad face which represent Comedy and Tragedy. His superhero costume would probably be in the colours of flags flown to represent either Comedy, Tragedy or History plays: White, black and red!

Is the story the last leaf a comedy or tragedy?

"The Last Leaf" by O. Henry is considered a poignant story with elements of both tragedy and hope. The story explores themes of sacrifice, friendship, and the power of hope in the face of despair. It is not classified strictly as either a comedy or a tragedy, but rather a blend of both emotional tones.

What is the difference between a drama and a movie?

In the broadest sense Drama includes all the theatrical arts- including cinema ( Movies) and television fiction. Properly it is serious fare as opposed to comedy. The Greeks invented Drama as we know it- in those days there was either Tragedy or Comedy- and sad and comic masks as trade badges. The modern concept of ( comes out OK) serious drama is in part a product of the Movie industry- did not exist in classical dramas which were either tragedy or comedy.

What kind of Genre does comedy and tragedy come from?

the terms comedy and tragedy come from ancient greek theatre. not a singular drama.... though most plays or films that depict both comedy and tragedy are generally considered romantic comedies and they often aren't either. we are limited in our ability to describe things. we are human. get used to it. comedy and tragedy are the first genres in the theatre....derived from ancient greece.tragedy ( in greek τραγωδια ) means ωδη τραγου ,which means dancing and singing.This genre was played for God Dionisus ,whom represented god himself. comedy ( in greek κωμωδια) started from Aristophanes a few years later . drama (in greek δραμα) comes from the verb δρω which means do....therefore drama was not a theatre genre but acting itself. optimistic

Difference between greek drama and elizabeth drama?

In Greek drama, every play was either a tragedy or a comedy. In Elizabethan drama, even tragic plays had comic relief.

What is the main difference between a shakespearian comedy and a shakespearean tragedy?

The ToneThe main difference between Shakepearean comedy and Shakespearean tragedy is the tone. The comedy is designed to be funny, while the tragedy will be sad... that is the main difference, and one that you can predict before even reading them. The difference is that a comedy has a light romantic spot to it while usually the tragedies have killing and despair. People laugh in a comedy and people cry in a tragedy. Well, a comedy is supposed to make people laugh. A tragedy often makes people cry. The EndingA Shakespearean comedy, by definition, is one of Shakespeare's stories with a happy ending. The difference between that and a tragedy is that tragedies always have a sad ending. The use of actual jokes and comedy didn't play a part in creating either genre, because it, especially innuendo, was used in both types. The simple answer is that in a tragedy they die at the end, in a comedy they get married. The comedies end happily, usually with everybody getting married. The tragedies end sadly, usually with everybody getting dead. A comedy has a happy ending. A tragedy has a sad ending. The comedy ends happily but the tragedy always ends in death. Traditionally a comedy will end in a wedding and a tragedy with the death of a main character. In the comedies a whole lot of people get married at the end. In the tragedies a whole lot of people die at the end. One ends with a smile; one ends in tears. The PlotComedy leads towards resolution and tragedy leads towards devastation. There can be funny parts in a tragedy and sad parts in a comedy.

What effect can changing a storys order of events or pacing have?

Either of these changes can build tension and suspense.

What describes a play that is a tragedy?

it's either "It usually has an unhappy ending." or "It usually has conflict."

Who is the father of roman tragedy?

There is not really a father of Roman tragedy. Its development was the work of five men. No complete Roman tragedies have survived. The first dramatic works, both in tragedy and comedy, started with Lucius Livius Andronicus (c. 280/260 BC-c. 200 BC) and set the initial parameters of Latin tragedy. Livius Gnaeus Naevius begun to write tragedies few year later. Quintus Ennius, Marcus Pacuvius (220 BC -130 BC) and Lucius Accius (170 - c. 86 BC) also wrote tragedies. The Praetexta Fabula genre of roman tragedy was started by Graneus Naevius. It dealt with themes of Roman historical figures, rather than Greek myths. Ennius, Pacuvius, and Lucius Accius Lucius Accius was considered the best of these tragedy writers. Much of his work was based on Aeschylus. Ennius was the writer who first elevated tragedy to a position of status and regard. Ennius was also considered the father of Roman poetry. He also wrote comedies and poems and wrote the first Latin poem which adopted the dactylic hexameter metre used in Greek epic and didactic poetry, and became the standard metre for this kind of poetry in Latin. Livius Andronicus started the Fabula palliata or Palliata Comoedia palliate a genre of comedy which reworked in Latin the Greek New Comedy (the final form of Greek comedy).