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that would be that would be spirituality or religion

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Q: What is a formalized set of collectively held beliefs and practises that on faith in a god or gods?
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If you have faith and follow your beliefs, then your actions will mirror your beliefs.

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Hindu Faith has changed by accepting some of Buddhism beliefs.

Why do people practice their beliefs?

People practice their beliefs because they have faith in their God. They want to show their loyalty to their God and that is why people practice their beliefs.

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BELIEF - something given credence or faith

A person who deserts his faith for another?

This person is commonly referred to as an apostate or a defector. They have consciously chosen to abandon or renounce their original beliefs or religion in favor of a different set of beliefs or faith.

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It is an institution where we nurture our spiritual beliefs, develop and enrich our faith and commune with others of the same beliefs.

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Sarah McLachlan has not publicly disclosed her faith or religious beliefs, so it remains unknown.

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Catholicism refers to the the Catholic faith, its teachings and beliefs

Was the Virgin Mary strong in her beliefs?

Yes she was, because of the faith she had in God.

What are some of Buddhism major beliefs?

desire leads to suffering and to have faith.

What does Heraclitus mean by a mans character is his faith?

Heraclitus is suggesting that a person's core beliefs and values (their faith) determine their character and actions. He emphasizes the importance of one's beliefs as the driving force behind their behaviors and decisions.

What beliefs were central to martin luther's religious philosophy?

salvation by faith alone