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Q: What is a four letter word for what a person usually eats or drinks?
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What does a glutton person do?

A person who is glutton eats or drinks too much.

When are normal voiding times?

Usually, it depends on how much the person drinks and eats. Usually, the mornings and before bed time are the most known time of voiding, as long as you void everyday, it will be fine.

What happens to a person when he eats cherries and drinks milk in the summer?

Apart from spoiling his appetite, not much.

How long does one joint stay in your?

it depends on the person, but if the average person drinks and eats right it will get it out of theme within 3-5 days

What a person or animal usually eats is called?

What is eaten is food.

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it eats you and drinks your blood just kidding i think they eat other insects but im not positive

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Jut like any other animal eats, drinks, and has shelter. Mainly eats meat and mainly drinks water.

What does gluttonous mean?

A glutton is a person who eats and drinks excessively.

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it eats and drinks like a human