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Q: What is a frozen mass in space called?
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What is anything that has mass and occupies space?


What is a frozen mass of fresh water on the earth?

Normally called a glacier.

What are frozen balls of ice gas and rock in space called?


What is a measurement of distance in space called?


What is the mass of frozen rock and gas that has a tail pointing away from the sun is called?

It is a comet.

What weighs less in space frozen or liquid water?

In a micro gravity, if the mass of each are equal they would 'weigh' the same.

The amount of space matter occupies is called what?


What is the amount of mass in a given space called?


The amount of space occupied by a body is called its mass or volume?

The amount of space occupied by a body is called its volume. Mass is the amount of metter in a body whereas volume is the amount of space a body occupies.

The amount of space something occupies is called?

The answer is the VOLUME

What do scientists call anything takes up space and has mass?

Matter - the relationship between the space it takes up and its mass is called density. But it is possible to have something that has enormous mass and takes up no space (it therefore has infinite density). This is called a black hole.

What object in space has a frozen mass of ice and dust?

the rings around our planets are made out of icy dust particles and frozen gases