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2d ago

A prototype is a full size functional model of a design that allows testing and analysis before production. It helps identify any potential issues or areas for improvement early in the design process. Prototypes can be physical or digital depending on the nature of the design.

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Q: What is a full size functional model of a design that allows the object to be tested and analyzed before production begins?
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Scanning low allows you to locate what before you hit them?


How momentum is conserved in pair production before and after collision?

In pair production, momentum is conserved before and after the collision because the total momentum of the incoming particles is equal to the total momentum of the outgoing particles. According to the law of conservation of momentum, the total momentum of the system remains constant in the absence of external forces.

How is draping made?

Draping in fashion design is made by manually manipulating fabric on a dress form to create a garment's shape without using a pre-existing pattern. The designer pins and arranges the fabric directly on the form to visualize and refine the design before turning it into a pattern for production. Draping allows for more creative and organic designs compared to traditional flat pattern making techniques.

What law allows you to predict the motion of objects after a collision?

The law that allows you to predict the motion of objects after a collision is the Law of Conservation of Momentum. This law states that the total momentum of a system before a collision is equal to the total momentum of the system after the collision, as long as there are no external forces acting on the system.

What scanning low allows you to locate before you hit them?

This is likely referring to passive scanning, which involves reconnaissance activities to gather information about potential targets without directly interacting with them. It helps identify vulnerabilities and weaknesses in systems before launching any attacks.

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Mass production focuses on producing large quantities of identical products quickly and efficiently using specialized equipment and assembly lines. Batch production, on the other hand, involves producing a specific quantity of products in a set sequence using standardized processes before moving on to the next batch. Both methods can help companies achieve economies of scale, but mass production is better suited for high-volume production, while batch production allows for more flexibility and customization.

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1 What is the primary difference between an analysis model and a design model?

"Analysis" designates some kind of understanding of a problem or situation - breaking a whole into its component parts, whereas "design" is related to the creation of a solution for the analyzed problem - making a blueprint of something before developing it;The analysis model essentially ignores non-functional requirements such as performance and system environment issues. In contrast, the design models take these issues into account toward preparing for development that is affordable and maintainable as well as meeting functional requirements.

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