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it help in the exchange of o2 in blood capillary and co2 from blood capillary into alveolus

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Q: What is a functions of alveoli in speech organ?
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What are the functions of the organ of speech?

They function in the process of speech production. Each performing different specific functions

What organ is the air sac in the lungs?

I Think You Thinking Of The Alveoli/Alveoli's

What organ contians alveoli?

The lungs.

What is the smallest organ in the respiratory?

the alveoli

What organ is made of of alveoli?

The lung.

What organ is made of alveoli tissue?

The lung.

What organ system does your organ belong to?

The respiratory system. The alveoli are air sacs in the lungs.

What is organ made upofalveoli?

The LUNG contains alveoli

Which organ contains alveoli bronchioles and bronchi?

It is the lungs

Alveoli are part of what organ?

lungs and helps in gaseous exchange.

In what organ are air sacks called alveoli found?

In the lungs

Speech mechanisms and organ of speech?

The speech mechanism involves three main components: the respiratory system, phonatory system, and articulatory system. The organs of speech include the lungs, diaphragm, larynx, vocal cords, tongue, lips, teeth, and palate, which work together to produce speech sounds. The coordinated actions of these organs enable humans to produce a wide range of sounds for communication.