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Q: What is a fused articulation between two bones?
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What is the union of two or more bones?


What connects two bones a point?

joint articulation (:

What is the point at which two or more bones come together?


What bone is between your thighs and calves that bends?

Bones don't bend. They articulate with other bones, forming joints, which bend. You are thinking of your knee, I believe, which is the articulation of your thigh bone and two calf bones.

What s the region of union of two or more bones called?

articulation or a joint ALMAR

Which two bones of the vertebral column are made of multiple bones fused together?

Sacrum, and Coccyx

What are the two sections of the spine that consist of fused bones?

Sacrum / Lumbar

What is another word for articulation?

expression, diction, speaking, saying, talking, statement, delivery, pronunciation Articulation - expression, also structuring. joint, as between two bones. Something similar to "dovetailing," related to how two things fit together.

What is a joint and what it is purpose?

By definition a joint (articulation) is the site where two bones come together. There are many classifications depending on the amount of movement that occurs between the bones and the age of the person. Some are freely moveable (your shoulder) and some are immovable (bones in the adult cranium).

The place where two or more bones comes together is called a?

It is called an articulation, or joint.

Which two bones form the articulation that allows rotation of the head?

Two vertebrae in the cervical section of the vertebral column call the axis and the atlas.

5 bones that make up the face?

The vomer bone,two nasal bones, two zygomatic bones, two lacrimal bones, two inferior nasal concha bones, two palatine bones, two fused maxillae, and on mandible.