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Q: What is a gathering place in Sparta?
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What was Sparta's gathering place?

Their assebly was held initially in the Agora (market square), but was then transferred to a building called the Skias.

How did they meet their needs and make a living in Sparta?

by gathering

What did Sparta place more emphasis on?

Sparta placed more emphasis on military service.

In a comparison of the ancient cities of Athens and Sparta Sparta place more emphasis on?

Military service

What is the nickname of Honolulu?

The Gathering Place

How did Sparta get their land it needed?

Sparta would basically kill or threaten the people originally living in the place that they wanted

What is the Louvre used for?

as a holy gathering place

What is Hawaiian word for gathering place?

It is Oahu.

What is a sentence using the word gathering?

Gathering people in one place, would not solve our food problem. I saw her on the hill, gathering flowers in a basket.

What was the characteristics of Sparta rulers?

They were cruel, and unfair. Sparta was a terrible place that believed only in war and fighting.(that is where we get the word spar from.)

What are some major cites and well known places in Sparta?

Sparta is actually a city. It's a greek city with 15500 inhabitants (2005). And a seeworthy place of Sparta is the old Spartan ruins located next to today's Sparta.

Why is Sparta remembered?

Sparta is the birth place of Helen of Troy. The mythical war because of abduction of Helen led to destruction of Troy.