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1d ago

The Gelatin-like material inside every cell is called cytoplasm. It is a semi-fluid substance that contains various organelles and structures essential for the cell's function and metabolism. Cytoplasm plays a crucial role in supporting cellular activities and providing a medium for chemical reactions to occur.

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Q: What is a gelatinlike material inside every cell?
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Is cytoplasm a gelatinlike material inside of every cell?


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The term that matches the description provided is "cytoplasm." It is a gel-like substance found within cells that surrounds the organelles and nucleus.

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cytoplasm that has a gelatin like substance 2/3 of it is water

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the outside would be called a capsule and the inside would be cytoplasm, in which all reactions in the cell occure

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the gelatinlike filling inside a cell is called the cytoplasm. hope that answers your question.

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The cell membrane.

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