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Q: What is a general form of decomposition reaction?
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What is electrolytic decomposition reaction?

a chemical decomposition reaction produced by passing an electric current through a solution containing ions is known as electrolytic decomposition reaction

Is a candle-burning a combinaion decomposition or replacement reaction?

Neither. It is a combustion reaction.

What is the difference between synthesis and breakdown reactions?

A synthesis reaction is where two (or more) chemicals or elements combine to create one new product. A decomposition reaction is the opposite meaning it is when one compound is broken down into the 2 (or more) compounds/elements it is made up of. Both of these refer to compounds, not mixtures. Mixtures cannot have synthesis or decomposition reactions. The difference between a compound and a mixture is that a compound is chemically bonded together at the atomic level while a mixture is just mixed together.

How are synthesis and decomposition reactions alike?

Synthesis and decomposition reactions are opposites. Synthesis: A + B -> C Decomposition: C -> A + B They both involve three elements or compounds, one of which is a combination of the other two. An example: N2O5 -> NO2 + NO3 Is a decomposition reaction.

Explain why the terms synthesis and decomposition are appropriate names for their respective reaction types?

Decomposition: Takes the composition of an organism when it dies and breaks it down to tiny particles of simple matter usually becoming a nutrient in the soil. Synthesis: Is combining two or more simple elements that work together to form something new.

Related questions

What is the clue that a reaction will be a decomposition reaction?

In decomposition reaction, single reactant will breakdown to form two or more products.

what do we call the chemical reaction that uses an electrical current to decompose a compound?

electrolytic decomposition reaction.

What is the general form of a synthesis reaction?

.Ab + c cb + a

What is the difference between a combination reaction and a decomposition reaction?

Combination reaction, sometimes called synthesis, in composition elements get together to form a compound. eg 2Mg+O2--> 2MgO Decomposition, in decomposition, the compound comes CaCO3-->CaO+CO2

What is combination and decomposition?

when different indivisual element combine to form a compound, this reaction is called combination A reaction in which a Compound is decomposed into its constituent elements is called decomposition

What is the opposite of a synthesis reaction?

It would be a catabolic reaction or decomposition reaction.

What kind of a chemical reaction happens when hydrogen peroxide can break apart to form water and oxygen gas?

That would be a decomposition reaction. The equation for it would be: 2H2O --> 2H2 + O2 The process called electrolysis will do this.

Is the process of digestion is a decomposition reaction?

yes,it is a decomposition reaction.

The products in a decomposition reaction?

The products in a decomposition reaction depend on what the reactants are in that decomposition reaction. The products will be different depending on the reactants.

What is the reverse reaction type of synthesis?

Probable you think to a decompostion reaction.

What is it when 2 simple substances combine to form a new more complex substance?

a synthesis reaction or a combination reaction

Name a reaction where two or more substances combine to form a single product?
