

What is a genes job?

Updated: 6/9/2024
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12y ago

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A genes job is to inherrit traits from their parents to thier offsring.

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3d ago

A gene's job is to provide the instructions for making proteins, which are essential for carrying out various functions in the body. Genes determine traits and characteristics by influencing the development and functioning of cells and tissues. Each gene carries a specific set of instructions that help determine an individual's unique characteristics.

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9y ago

Genes tell the body how to make proteins. These proteins then help do everything in the body, including regulating the activity of other genes.

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to put it simply as possible DNA (or Deoxyribonucleic Acid) form up genes which carry on looks, ect from your parents to you. you get an equal amount of genes from each of your parents

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The major job of genes is to control the production of proteins in the cell by providing instructions for amino acid sequence. Genes determine physical traits, such as eye color and height, and also play a role in directing cell function and development. They are responsible for passing hereditary information from one generation to the next.

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What is the job of the genes?

the genes are a section of a chromosome which codes for a protein of Ribonucleic acid product

What jobs require knowledge of genes?

A job that requires the knowledge of genes would be either something in genetic engineering or being a doctor. In genetic engineering you could have a job like working with IVF or "Test Tube Babies". You could also work with AID or AIH. Being a doctor requires the knowledge of genes so you can locate where genes are in the human body to see if relatives of a patient have the same diseases ancestors or living relatives have had. (By the way, I'm in year 9 and got this from RE and Science classes so thank my RE and science teachers).

Are polygenic genes dominant genes?

Polygenic genes are usually dominant genes.

Are the fathers genes always the dominant genes?

No - the father's genes are not always the dominant genes.

What are defective genes?

Defective genes are genes that have mutations or alterations that can lead to abnormal function or health conditions in individuals. These mutations can disrupt the normal processes controlled by the gene, potentially resulting in genetic disorders or diseases.

Does prokaryotes have genes?

Of course they have genes. They need genes for survival and reproduction.