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Q: What is a gently inclining area formed on the inside of a meander?
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How are Point-bars formed?

A point bar is formed when a pile of sand and gravel is deposited on the inside of a meander.

Why settlement grow in meander bends?

Beacuse inside the Meander, there is no current where on the other side there is beacuse the water is pushed onto it. It's how Ox-Bow lakes are formed.

What is the inside bend of a river called?

its called a meander

How sediment buildup and erosion in a meander can alter the course of a river?

As a river deposits sediment on the inside of a meander and erodes the outside of the meander, the meander migrates toward the outside edge

Where to meandering streams occur?

On the outer bank (at the tip of the meander)

Where is the slowest current in a meander?

on the inside of the bend

What is a process which occurs on the inside of a meander?

it is called deposition

What happens on the inside curve of a meander?


A pile of sand and gravel deposited on the inside of a meander?

a rock

Is the inside bend of a meander called a river cliff?

The river cliff is the outside of a meander in a river. This is due to erosion from fast flowing water. Deposition occurs on the inside and the inside bend is called the SLIP-OFF SLOPE

How is a meander created?

In a river the outside bend flows faster than the inside bend. A river carries objects (rocks, boulders, small grains of sand etc..) and the inside bend drops its load because it does not have enough energy to carry it any further. With the outside bend flowing so fast it erodes (wears away) the bank pushing it backwards creating an okbow lake. When the inside bend keeps dropping its load all of the time it looks like the whole meander has moved to the side!

Where is a meander formed in a river?

Meanders (plural) are formed when a river enters a flat plain. as it slows down. more sediment is dropped at the slow inner edge of a bend, and the faster water at the edge of a bend undermines the bank. Thus the river bends more. eventually the narrow bit at the neck breaks through creating an oxbow lake.