

What is a good attention grabber sentence on favorites?

Updated: 3/9/2020
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Q: What is a good attention grabber sentence on favorites?
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What is a good grabber?

If you mean grabber as in an attention grabber as in a topic sentence of an essay, here are some good ways: use an interesting quote that has to do with your essay use a short suspenseful story

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Stop abbbusssing

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do you know someone with autism? you can start by telling a story.. or with the shocking statistics

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It's a bird! It's a Plane! No, It's Superman!

What is a good attention grabber sentence?

You need to write the story first, and worry about the first sentence after you've got the whole thing down! Just start writing and come back to change your first sentence later if you want to make it more interesting!

What is a good attention grabber for a speech on why it's good not to lie?

This might not be that good but... For any speech you need to have an attention grabber. This might be a joke, dramatic gesture or a rhetorical question. Maybe you could find a joke or riddle related to 'why it's good not to lie' That is a pretty hard topic to talk about eh?