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Q: What is a good beyonce song to sing for a school talent show?
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What would be a good song to sing in a school talent show?

A good song to sing in a school talent show would be a slow song or a pop song if you are a girl something best would be by Beyonce! Although if you are a boy probably something that can get everyone happy and rocking to the beat (so basically a rock song!) What ever your good at no pursue

How old was beyonce when she sang in a talent show?

0.1 days old

Did Greyson Chance win the school talent show?

Yes, Greyson Chance did win his school talent show.

Why do people sing in a talent show?

you should be a part of a talent show to show your skills , judges will judge you , and you'll learn from them & your mistakes.

What would be a good song for a middle school talent show?

let it shine by take that we sung it and it was awesome

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want to get some ideas of themes for a high school talent show event

Is this afternoon by Nickelback an appropriate song for a school talent show?

no song by nickelback is appropriate for a talent show.

What is a good song for two middle school girls to perform for a talent show?

I guess that The Climb by Miley Cyrus would be good.

What made Beyonce start singing and why did she start singing.?

She first sang in a talent show aged 7 because her teachers and parents persuaded her to. Also when she was in grade school, she took dance classes like Jazz.

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