

What is a good build for Annie in League of Legends?

Updated: 10/4/2023
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10y ago

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Annie The Dark Child

Start items

Health Potion

Sight Ward

Crystalline Flask

Core items

Rabadon's Deathcap

Rod of Ages

Sorcerer's Shoes

Endgame items

Zhonya's Hourglass

Void Staff

Abyssal Scepter

Build 2

Start items

Health Potion

Sight Ward

Crystalline Flask

Core items

Sorcerer's Shoes

Rabadon's Deathcap

Rod of Ages

Endgame items

Abyssal Scepter

Void Staff

Zhonya's Hourglass

Pyromania (Passive): Pyromania is Annie's passive. Whenever Annie casts an ability she will gain a stack of Pyromania. Once at 4 stacks there will be a swirling white/gray wind around her,indicating that her next offensive ability will stun it's target for 1.75 seconds.

Tips and Tricks

Enemies will probably play defensive if you have your stun up.

Leave this at 3 stacks so they'll feel safe,then cast Molten Shield/ Disintegrate + Disintegrate/ Incinerate/ Summon: Tibbers to stun and burst them.

Use this to save yourself or teammates.

Your stun is the reason junglers may not gank you.

Disintegrate (Q): Disintegrate is Annie's main farming tool and harass. It refunds mana if it deals a killing blow making it an efficient farm/mana sustain. Use it to stun the enemy if they get too close. That's all I can about this ability.

Tips and Tricks

When you have Pyromania up use Disintegrate + Incinerate to deal a good chunk to the enemy mid.

Disintegrate is an easy last hit tool.

Incinerate (W): Incinerate is a deadly AoE cone shaped nuke. Annie scorches a cone of fire in front of her to deal damage. It has about the same range as Disintegrate allowing for easy comboing. It can be used to farm multiple minions at once aswell.

Tips and Tricks

If you have Pyromania ready to stun,use it to stop ganks by stunning both/all of your offenders.

Pyromania + Disintegrate + Incinerate = Alot of damage early game.

If in a teamfight without Summon: Tibbers,consider Incinerate as your next giant team stun.

Molten Shield (E): Molten Shield is Annie's "No don't gank me" ability. It gives her a boost in armor and magic resist and if attacked by an auto attack the attacker will be hit with magic damage. It's a shame not many Annie players use it to defend themselves, they only use it to charge stun. (HINT HINT)

Tips and Tricks

Molten Shield + Incinerate (or vise versa) at fountain if you have less then 3 Pyromania stacks.

Use against ADCs and anyone who likes to auto attack alot.

When at 3 Pyromania stacks,using this and then quickly following up with an offensive ability can catch an opponent off guard.

Use when getting ganked to take less damage. (no brainer :o)

Tibbers (R): Summon: Tibbers is your ult that basically demolishes if you have Pyromania up. Tibbers will appear in a burst of flames dealing massive damage in an area. He will do AoE magic damage and smack enemies.

Tips and Tricks

Pyromania + Summon: Tibbers + Disintegrate + Incinerate is your burst combo.

Pyromania + Summon: Tibbers in a teamfight is devastating,enough to stun an entire team.

Use Summon: Tibbers to turrent dive or kill a turrent faster.

If you have Tibbers already in use,you could place him in a bush for a ward.

If your enemy is too scared to fight you at level 6 and you have Pyromania,use Disintegrate and follow up with Summon: Tibbers and Incinerate.

Pyromania + Flash + Summon: Tibbers + Disintegrate + Incinerate is OP.

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Shyvana The Half-Dragon

Start items "

Health Potion x5

Hunter's Machete

first recall

Boots of Speed

Madred's Razors

second recall

Long Sword

Wriggle's Lantern

Core items "

Mercury's Treads

Bilgewater Cutlass

so end game


Blade of the Ruined King

Endgame items

Warmog's Armor

Frozen Mallet

finish build

Enchantment: Captain

Randuin's Omen

Mercury's Treads

Warmog's Armor

Frozen Mallet

Blade of the Ruined King

Wriggle's Lantern

Build 2

Start items

Health Potion

Hunter's Machete

Core items

Locket of the Iron Solari

Aegis of the Legion

Boots of Mobility

Spirit of the Ancient Golem

Endgame items

Frozen Mallet

Randuin's Omen

Gameplay Tactics

Now that you know how to build Shyvana, you need to learn how to play her. Shyvana's damage lies in her ability to not only burst high damage, but sustain that damage output, even in a chase.

Beginning any fight, you should always attempt to hit an enemy with Flame Breath. It gives you 15% additional armor penetration and does some magic damage. Next, activate Burnout and close the distance to your enemy as quickly as possible.

Twin Bite

Twin bite is an empowered basic attack which means that when you use it, it resets your attack timer, allowing you to basic attack and then use Twin Bite with no delay. The effect is letting you basic attack something at max attack speed for those two attacks. This means when attacking an enemy, always basic attack them once before using Twin Bite to maximize your damage. These two attacks proc on hit effects a total of 3 times (1 for the first attack and 2 for Twin Bite) meaning that Blade of the Ruined King will hit for approximately 12% of their maximum health in addition to whatever physical damage you did.

This ability is similar to Jax's Empower and Talon's Noxian Diplomacy


When jungling or farming, always trigger burnout and attack the strongest monsters first, so that Burnout will do it's full area of effect damage to all enemies surrounding the strongest one. For example, when going to the wraith camp, attack only the biggest wraith until it's dead and Burnout will likely kill the smaller wraiths while you're standing there. The same thing is true for the Lizard Elder .

Flame Breath

Flame Breath almost functions as a utility spell because you're going to use it for armor penetration and checking bushes. Don't be afraid to spam it whenever it's up because Shyvana has no mana.

Dragon's Descent

Dragon's Descent can be used in three ways and they are as follows:


Nothing is more frightening than a dragon flying toward you when you thought you were just peacefully farming. It can really catch an enemy off guard and secure you a kill. I don't find myself doing this very much however because usually Burnout suffices to get close to your target and you can save your ultimate for a better time

During the Fight

One thing that most people forget is that Dragon's Descent does considerable damage. Many times, enemies will forget you have it and you can use it to do that little extra damage to kill them, jump after them, or jump away if you're in over your head.

This is in my opinion the best option


If you get ganked and Burnout doesn't provide the separation you need, you can always find a nearby wall and use your ult to escape. This saves you a Flash, and since Dragon's Descent has no cooldown, what do you care?

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10y ago

as a mid build ap. i.e rabadaans deathcap and etc. and a zonyas hourglass. also build boots of magic pen (sorcers)

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