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Q: What is a good conclusion to a paragraph about the taiga biome?
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Do salmon live in taiga?

yes, the predators feed on them, and are a good source of food for them in the biome

Are the human influences on the taiga biome god or bad?

bad and u spelt god instead of good

What is a good conclusion paragraph for an autobiography by a 4th grader?


What is a good Conclusion paragraph on how manners have changed over the years?

Summarize what you said in the earlier paragraphs and you will have your conclusion.

What is a good conclusion paragraph for the tell tale heart?

that the guy was a criminal :D

Where does an arctic hare live why does it live there does it have good vegetation why does it only eat plant show many bones does it have how smart is a arctic hare?

An arctic hare lives in the Taiga Biome. This biome is the hemisphere from Alaska to Japan. The taiga is a coniferous forest. The taiga is the largest biome, but also the coldest. It is cold for almost the whole year, but in its warmest months the arctic hare has good vegetation. The arctic hare is a herbivore, which means it eats plants. But in the long, cold months it sometimes must eat meat. The arctic hare must be smart, because the taiga is a tough place to live.. with it's winter temperatures as low as -90 degrees Fahrenheit!

Which land biome occupies the most land on Earth?

The Arctic Circle is the world's biggest biome because circles are the biggest shape you can draw.

What does a conlusion paragraph mean?

A conclusion at the end of the paragraph is similar to the one at the end of the whole essay, it wraps up what that paragraph has been talking about. If you don't use a conclusion, your reader can tend to get confused when you transition from one paragraph to another. But be sure the conclusion just flows along, don't make it apparent that its a conclusion.

What is a good paragraph describing perception?

The ability to see beyond the evidence at hand and arrive at a reasonable conclusion.

What would a good conclusion be on a biographical?

it would probably be a paragraph/sentence if it wrapped all of your facts together.