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A good diabetic meal should consist of at least one serving of a steamed vegetable such as carrots, about half a cup, either 4 oz of broiled turkey breast or chicken breast, and a small serving of a whole grain such as a whole wheat roll or brown rice.

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Q: What is a good diabetic meal for me?
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What are some good diabetic eating plans?

There are actually tons of free diabetic meal plans online. There are a lot of free diabetic recipes that can still taste good as well.

What is a good book or website that will help me with diabetic meal planning?

This is a good site to use for meal planning: They have all kinds of information and support.

What kind of foods should I base my diabetic meal plan around?

There are several websites that offer diabetic meal charts out there so you can plan your meals in advance. They are a good resource for food, and can make eating easier.���sample-meal-plan

What things should you remember when doing diabetic meal planning?

It is important to remember when doing diabetic meal planning that sugars and oily or greasy foods can cause major problems for a diabetic. When planning a meal for a diabetic or cooking for yourself, try basing the meal around breads, grains, fruits and vegetables.

Looking for a diabetic meal plan?

I think you probably need a diabetic recipe rather than a meal plan. There are several on the internet.

Know any diabetic meal plan?

There are many diabetic meal plan options. You can purchase books or magazines dedicated to Diabetic cooking or you can use the website

Does sell books about diabetic meal planning? sells a variety of books about diabetic meal planning. Some of the top results are titled "Easy Meal Planning for Diabetics" and "Diabetic Meal Planning Made Easy: How to Put the Food Pyramid to Work for your Busy Lifestyle."

Where can I find a diabetic meal plan?

The best place to find a diabetic meal plan is through your local Dr or hospital program There are many online places you can check for diabetic meal plans listed in the phone book as well

What is a good diabetes meal plan?

There several restrictions in a diabetic diet. You should consult your physician for the best advice.

Where can I find recipes that would be good for a person with diabetes? is a great resource for cooking meals for a diabetic person at home. They provide recipies and meal plans. is also a good resource.

Where can I get help planning my diabetic husband's meals?

You can find diabetic meal plans at

Where is information about diabetic meal planning?

WebMD offers a pretty good meal planning guide for people with diabetes. Also, talk to your doctor to see what they recommend you do.