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Q: What is a good hypothesis for can you separate salt from water by freezing?
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Does salt water separate when frozen?

When a mixture of salt and water freeze, the two substances will not separate. The mixture will just become frozen salt water.

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Type your answer here... It must have the if and then. It can not be a statement

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Whatever you think will happen based on your research.

Why is salt not good for melting ice?

Adding a salt the freezing point of water decrease.

What is a good hypothesis for does the temperature of water affect its evaporation rate?

At higher temperatures evaporation is faster.

What should be A good hypothesis?

A correct or good hypothesis includes if then and because. A hypothesis must be a possible answer and must be testable

What is a good title for freezing water science project?

A good science fair title for evaporation is- Vanishing Vapors: Evaporation

What is a good way to test a hypothesis?

Experimentation is a good way to test a hypothesis.

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a good hypothesis for childhood obesity

What is a temperature scale based on the freezing and boiling point of water?

freezing water is not good for your body , but boiling water is because , your boiling out all the bad stuff out of the water what i do is boil the water for 4-5 mins , and then , put it in the freezer , and it would be nice and cold : ) #yummy !