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Q: What is a good made up name for a element?
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What is the name for elements are only made up of one atom?

Elements made up of only one type of atom are called "pure elements" or "monatomic elements." Each element is defined by the number of protons in its atomic nucleus, giving it distinct chemical and physical properties. Examples include helium, carbon, and gold.

What do you call a substances that are made up of only one kind of atom?

A substance that is made up of only one atom is called a pure substance. A pure substance is also called an element on the Periodic Table.

What is an element made up of lead?

Lead '''is''' an element, and no other element is made up of it, although many compounds contain lead.

What does the element kryptonite composed of?

krpytonite is not an element! it is a made up element in Superman universe. A real element that has a similar name is the element Krypton. It is the 36th element . It is a noble gas. it is made up of 36 protons, and 36 electrons with an average of 48 neutrons. Just like any other element, it is made up of a different # of protons and neutrons with electrons floating somewhere around the nucleus. The # of protons in a nucleus is what makes the differences between elements.

What element holds the Spanish word for gold (oro)?

The element with "oro" inside of its name is boron. :]

What is a harilium?

Harilium is a made up part to a periodic table some one had made up

What is a good made up animal name?

These what I think are good names for made up animals - Sapphex - Opanjano - Walapanji - Ranger - Zyphole

Is oxygen made up of one element?

Yes, oxygen is an element on the periodic table with the chemical symbol O. It is made up of atoms that contain 8 protons and electrons.

What is a good name for a made up country in a story?


Why is iron an element but water is not?

Iron is made up of one type of particle which is why it is an element, whereas water is made up of two different particles so it is not an element.