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By tradition, "The Metropolitan" if it is a city's main or first museum, the name of the main exhibits ("The Natural History Museum" or "The Museum of Modern Art") or the name of the famous artist exhibited there or of the often already famous founder (The Van Gogh Museum, The Getty Museum etc.)

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Q: What is a good name for a museum?
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What is a good name for a fashion museum?

What you name a museum is determined by where it is, what it will display or collect, and what the mission of the museum is. Guided by these principles, a good name will be easy to find.

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Karachi Museum is biggest museum of Pakistan

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Yes. Examples: Ayala Museum Melbourne Museum

Does museum have to be capitalized?

Unless it is part of a specific Museum. [The name] Anise Art Museum

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It is a science museum and it is in Minnesota!

What is the name of the art museum in Paris?

It is called the Louvre museum.

Is museum a common noun?

Yes museum is a common noun. it does not name a specific museum like the Air and Space museum.

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The name would be the Crick Museum since it was named after him. Your answer was in your question.

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there's no name in the movie there is but i dont remember its a science museum

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Yes. The full name of the museum is The Smithsonian National Air and Space Museum.

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The Smithsonian in the second movie