

What is a good pull up workout?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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12y ago

Best Answer has a great workout for a pull up routine. I would definitely go with this routine because the military personnel are graded on push ups and required to perform obstacle course routines.

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Q: What is a good pull up workout?
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What is a pull-up?

if your asking about workout pullup then it is when you have a bar and pull yourself up to get upper body strength. the other kind i can think of is training pants for toddlers your welcome

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How should I start my pull up workout routine? is one of fitness center that provides pull up workout routine for beginners. If you are new to fitness and just decided to start working out at home, things can seem rather confusing, but actually are quite simple: Compound exercises (those that work many muscles at once) and whole body workout routines will build your basic strength. You can visit

Which is the more demanding, a pull up workout or a push up workout?

This is a question that depends on the individual. If your back is very strong and your chest is weak then pull-ups will be much easier for you. If your chest is strong and you have a weak back then your easier workout will involve push-ups. Stamina will depend on the pace at which you preform your exercise. The faster your repetitions the more stamina that will be required. If you go at a slow pace then stamina requirements will be greatly effected.

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NO, Greese Lightening on the wii is way better

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There are many different machines that can be used to train abs. Depending on the user, a pull up bar or a Bowflex home workout system both would work well.

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boxing is a wonderful workout! when you box you workout almost every part of your body. i am in boxing and we workout our arms legs and abs.

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Can sucking your stomach in while working out help during a workout?

Essentially, yes. You should pull in your abdominal muscles to the point where you feel them tense up, and then proceed about sit-ups normally. Good luck.