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Da Vinci used alot of fresco paints

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Q: What is a good sentence for the word fresco?
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Use the word fresco in a sentence?

Da Vinci and Pablo Picasso use alot of fresco paints.

What does fresco mean in French?

The Italian word "fresco" is translated "fresque" (feminine noun) in French.

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what is a good sentence for the word opposite

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"fresco"is the spanish word for cool ..

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Does el fresco mean nude?

No. "Fresco" has several meanings, but "nude" is not one of them. Among other things, "fresco" is a certain painting technique. In Spanish, the word means "fresh".

What is a good sentence with the word 'additionally'?

Any sentence that properly uses the word additionally is a good sentence. Additionally, the above is a great sentence.

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Your question is a good sentence using the word "common".

Another word for wall painting is?

Fresco or mural

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"I am using a sentence with the word economics."