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Bragg's apple cider vinegar (ACV). I was just reading about the many health benefits of this yesterday. To easy the itching, mix 1 cup ACV in your bath water and soak. Also, make sure it is the good stuff like Bragg's because the store brand doesn't even compare. You can take it internally once a day too (1 tsp. in 8oz of water) Your immune system is down, so I recommend elderberry syrup and Echinacea. Those are 2 things I take when I am sick with a virus. I hope that helps!

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Q: What is a good treatment for the shingles?
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Does gold bond medicated powder help shingles?

You can use Gold Bond on shingles to help relieve the itch. It is not to be considered a treatment for shingles though.

What do you do if shingles reoccur a week after treatment?

If you have shingles that recur only a week after treatment, you should seek further treatment. This very painful condition will eventually go away on its own, but treatment can help to shorten the length of time you must put up with the pain.

What is a known treatment for shingles?

Shingles is like a rash but with big blisters caused by the chickenpox virus. It is very painful and contagious so if someone has it they need to be quarantined. There isn't a cure for shingles, but known treatment is taking antiviral, pain and antibiotic medication.

Once the treatment of Shingles is completed, can it return in later life?

Yes even after shingles have been treated it can return later on in life.

Is there a treatment for post shingles nerve pain?

Generally a doctor will have to diagnose you with shingles, and then he will start you a treatment with antiviral medicines. However, over-the-counter medicines can help, such as aspirin or ibuprofen for the pain.

Should a doctor be able to give information on treatment for shingles?

Yes. A doctor is needed to correctly diagnose shingles and help discuss a treatment plan. See a doctor as soon as possible because complications can arise.

Can docosanol be used on shingles?

My son has used it on his shingles and has had very good results.

Where can I find the treatment for shingles?

See your doctor and he/she can prescribe you medication to treat the shingles. Typically, a hydrocortisone cream and antibiotic would be provided to deal with the itch and rashes.

I had the shingles shot but now have shingles What is the prognosis for recovery for this?

Prognosis is good for recovery, but you could have another outbreak.

Does shingles always have open weeping lesions?

Not at all, but it can. Early disgnosis and treatment can prevent serious sores.

If you are pinched can you contract shingles?

i depends on where you are pinched, maybe not if you pinch your nose, but if you pinch your behind or your arm near a roof you may get shingles. If you need shingles and you let a roofer pinch you, you may get shingles for free! good luck

What are the symptoms and treatments of shingles?

The symptoms of shingles are very closely linked to those of chicken pox. Red itchy burning sensations. The inability to normal daily tasks such as walking and getting dressed. There is no treatment for shingles although there is a new vaccine for people over 65.