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sell lemonade on the street corner...... or just the corner

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Q: What is a good way for a busy kid to make money?
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How can a kid make a dollar a day?

Well either do some chores or ask for some money I'm sure you can get a dollar

How can you make over 200 dollars a week when your a kid at home?

Well, if you are a kid at home and you are trying to make some money, a good idea that I always used was foot massage for my parents. Usually I would massage my dad or my mom's feet. They are always in need of a good foot massage ;) I charged 50 cents a minute. so that means if you massaged for an hour you would get 30 bucks!!! If you do this every day you will have 200 dollars in LESS THAN A WEEK! I hope this works out for you :) good luck!

How can a kid make 6000 dollars?

PET SITTING! I am 9, and I have made a lot of money over the past week. Just come up with a name, make some flyers, and then you get money! I'd make it local, because then if your parents can't drive you, you can just walk or ride your bike. Make cheap prices. Then the people will pay you more for being nice! If your not good with animals, don't worry, there's tons of other easy jobs! :)

How much pocket money should you get?

It depends on a LOT of things! The age, responsibility, grades, etc. of the child and your salary should be considered. First of all, the child must at LEAST be ten otherwise he/she can't use the money well, the'll lose it or use it before the end of the month. For a responsible, straight-A kid between the age of 10-13, you should give $6-10 depending on how much you can afford to give. For an irresponsible child of this age with bad grades, start with $3-5 and tell him/her to buck up and do better before you think of raising the money a LITTLE like a dollar or two but not more for such a kid until he/she is over-all a GOOD kid! For a 14-15 year old who is a good kid and student, he/she should get $10-13 but not more, or a good kid'll go rotten! One of the same age, but not good should get $6-10. He/she may not even deserve that much but as you grow older, your needs grow! Kids older should work for their money. Give them chores around the house and pay them $1-3 for every small job, like taking out the trash, or start them as a waiter or cashier at McDonald's and so on and so forth! Hope this helped! Please say so if it did!

How much money is spent on children's clothing each year?

It depends on the kid but normally it would take about 7000$ each year

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How can a kid make money by playing golf?

If you win some good tournaments that have a cash prize you could make money that way.

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they aernt sure if they are going to make make a new on because they have to see if this one makes good money if it does they will make a new one

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You still get to have a lot of fun and you might have a busy day but you still get to have a good time.

What jobs did rosalyn carter have when she was a kid?

When she was a kid she had to make money for her family ( but i dont know how) But she worked at a hairdressers shop for her own money!

What is a good prize for a kid?

money, toys, stationry, a good book and nothing that is boring!

How does a kid make money fast in the house?

a kid makes money fast by doing their chores and they get an allowance by doing their chores without being asked

Is 100 a good IQ for a kid?

well no u have to make sure the stupied kid nose more!

How many kids want to be paid to do good in school?

Every single kid in America. Except for that one kid who thinks that money is corrupting the world. It is, but nobody likes that kid.

If you have 57 dollars how do you make money if your a kid?

Put it in the bank, and the very small amount of interest that you will get will make it bigger.

Is a busy schedule a good thing or is it a bad thing for kid why?

It is not that bad because that means you have something to live for. Also you have people who love you and sometimes a lot needs to be done.

What are some arguments for dropping out?

well, that depends. whatever it is you're dropping out for (halo 3, videogames, suicide, to care for a kid) will need money eventually. (except suicide.) videogames, u need a house and money to pay for the electricity. To care for a kid, food, shelter, and clothes. you'll only make enough money for that if u get edumacated well and get a good job.

Easy ways for kids to make money?

the easiest way 4 kids 2 make money is 2 ask the neibors if they need help w anything.but make sure there nice :) ..u could also have a lemonade sale. i no wen i was a kid a lemonade sale made a lot of money..good luck!