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Brussel sprouts are not really essential to eat. However, a good way to encourage children to eat vegetables is to mix them in with other foods which would be ones they like eating.

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Q: What is a good way to encourage children to eat brussel sprouts?
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you know the basic you got your peas lettuce tomatoes broccoli brussel sprouts you know the basic you got your peas lettuce tomatoes broccoli brussel sprouts you know the basic you got your peas lettuce tomatoes broccoli brussel sprouts

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Kale, Collard Greens, Spinach, Brussel Sprouts

When to harvest brussel sprouts?

whenever they look good... i have some broccoli and its been giving some good heads. just cut it off when you thinks its time. its up to you.

What is brussel sprouts?

Brussel Sprouts. the brussel sprout is a plant grown for its edible buds. the Brussel Sprout is a small grean leafy vegetable, like a small cabbage, that has become synomynous with Christmas dinner. i have heard it reffered to as the marmite vegetable as you 'either love them or you hate them' because of them name Brussels they most likely originated in Brussels, Belgium.

Can alpacas eat brussel sprouts?

There are many foods which are good for humans but toxic to alpacas. The members of the brasicca group of vegetables contain glucosinolates which are sulfur containing compounds interfering with the oxygen carrying role of red blood cells and with the thyroid's ability to acquire iodine. These plants include: broccoli, cabbage, Brussel sprouts, turnips, kale, rutabaga, rape, etc.

How is a good way to cook and make a Brussels sprout taste good and how to do it?

Roast them. It changes the flavor and makes them taste much better. Place about 1/4 cup of olive oil ( or canola) in a ziploc bag. Add the brussel sprouts and coat all the sprouts with the oil. Line a baking pan with aluminum foil. Place the sprouts on the pan , making sure they are separated. Sprinkle with sea salt and bake at 400 degrees for about a half hour. You should be able to pierce the sprout all the way through easily. If not, bake for 5 minute intervals until done. I never cared for brussel sprouts until I had them made like this.Enjoy!

Why do people eat brussel sprouts?

i hav no idea. if u eat brussel sprouts then u r WEIRD! ---- Because it's healthy and some people (like, um, er, me) like the taste of sprouts. I grew up eating frozen brussel sprouts and couldn't stomach them my whole life until I met my husband. He grew up on fresh brussel sprouts that his mom steamed. The key is to not over cook them and add butter, salt and pepper. If they're too overcooked they get bitter and if they're not done enough their no fun to eat!

When are brussel sprouts in season?

Brussels sprouts, is a hardy, slow-growing, long-season vegetable belonging to the cabbage family. They improve in quality and grow best during cool or even lightly frosty weather. Summers are generally too warm for good harvests.

What is a good side dish to serve with pork steaks?

either a garlic mash potatoes or a steamed vegetable with a home made cheese sauce

What are brassicas?

brassicas are vegatables such as; broccoli, brussel sprouts, lettuce, cabbages, red cabbage and many many more they are very good for you and can help prevent ilnneses such as cancer! and contain alot of vitamins and iron. i hope this has helped (:

Are sprouts good for diet?

Science says it is.

How good is holes?

"Holes" was first a book and then a movie, the book is kinda long and boring. The movie is a little strange, its okay I guess, but its one of those movies you'll only want to see once. "Holes" is kind of like brussel sprouts, you either like it or you don't, there really is no in-between. I hope that this answer is useful to you!!