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Q: What is a grade 2 bulging disc?
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Related questions

Can the bulging disc in neck travel to lower back?

The pain from a bulging disc in your neck can travel to the lower back. The actual bulging disc condition will not move or spread.

What is another word or term for a bulging disk?

A more commonly used term for a bulging disc is a herniated disc. This ailment may also be referred to as a slipped disc, ruptured disc, or protruding disc.

What is minimal disc bulge at t10 and t11?

Minimal disc bulging means that you are at the beginning stages of a bulging disc. This can cause pain, numbness, and tingling in the neck and back.

Does Workman's comp cover a bulging disc?

If you can prove the bulging disc happened at work or is work related. Prior conditions and diagnoses will come into play.

Can a herniated disc become a bulging disc in result of an auto accident?

Yes it can

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Bulging disc vs herniated disc

How many epidurals are safe for a bulging disc?


What are other names for a herniated disc?

A herniated disc is also referred to as a slipped, rupture, bulging, or protruding disc.

What causes bulging of c4 c5 discs?

The bulging of a disc is caused when the disc grows and comes to a point were it will touch the nerves of the spinal cord. The most common cause is age.

Can you feel a bulging disc?

Yes, you will feel pain if you have a herniated or bulging disc in your back. You may feel the pain in your arm, leg, or back. You will also experience numbness and tingling and weakness.

What are the symptoms to bulging disc?

Symptoms of a bulging disc include, but are not limited to, pain, numbness in the affected area, and weakness in the extremities. An appointment with a physician needs to be made to determine a course of treatment.

Is a bulging Disc a herniated disc?

No. A bulging disc is a disc that has mildly or severely (depending on what the diagnostics prove) buldged from the intervertebral space. This means that the nucleus inside the disc is intact and still within the disc space, but the disc itself has bulged outward. A herniated disc is the same thing as a ruptured disc in which case the nucleus has exited the intervertebral space and the two vetrebrae are essentially "bone on bone". A bulging disc occurs more often as we age or as repetitive activities weaken the the disc. Herniated discs are more often specifically related to trauma/injury sustained and are more acute (sudden) in onset.