

What is a gradiant?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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12y ago

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1 (also grade especially in North American English)the degree to which the ground slopes, especially on a road or railwaya steep gradienta hill with a gradient of 1 in 4 (or 25%)2 (technical)the rate at which temperature, pressure, etc. changes, or increases and decreases, between one region and another

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What is the density of water vapor in relation to the air's density?

I sugest you look up "steam tables". Since convection currents are caused solely by diferences in density ... yes, it is assumed that tempreture diferences CAUSED the density gradiant - but that is not always true.

What is the general equation of the straight line?

A straight line will have a constant gradiant, so its change in height over time will be some multiple of x. We'll call this bx. The other point of consideration is where the line crosses the y axis (x=0). We'll call this point a. So the equation of a straight line can be given as y=a+bx