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Perfume, a Kiss, a Holiday in a different country, something she has been wanting forever xx.

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Q: What is a great gift for a girlfriend for Christmas?
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What is a good Christmas present for your 15 year old girlfriend?

A good Christmas present for your 15 year old girlfriend can include perfume, scented body lotions, and affordable jewelry. Another great gift would be a gift card to her favorite store.

What are some occasions to by a gift for a girlfriend?

Aside from the usual celebrations like birthdays and Christmas, an anniversary is a great time to buy a gift for a girlfriend. Gifts are also appropriate for occasions when either apologies or thanks are due.

What are some Christmas gift ideas for a girlfriend?

Perfumes, bath soaps, chocolates, rings, bracelets, necklaces, and earrings are all wonderful gift ideas to purchase as Christmas presents for your girlfriend.

Is a teddy bear a good Christmas gift?

It depends. If its for a toddler, great! If its for your boyfriend or girlfriend sure! For a teen(related by siblings) eh..maybe

Should you get a gift for your girlfriend for Christmas?

If you been dating her more than a couple mounths . Then you should get her a gift

I'm wanting to buy my girlfriend a really great Christmas gift I want it to be really special and something she can have for a long time I'm looking to spend 50 or over but no more than 80?

A nice purse, an entire outfit, or perfume is a great gift to get for a girlfriend between $50 and $80.

Should you give your girlfriend a Christmas gift if your in seventh grade?

Shure! it is absolutely fine to give your girlfriend a Christmas gift in 7th grade. she will adore you if you do. she will think you think shes special and love you even more!

Christmas gift for girlfriend?

Depends how long you have known her and how much you like her. Read this amusing post (check the link under the related links section) for some great ideas with great prices.

What is a good Christmas gift for your girlfriend?

Gift For Girlfriendjewelry you can never go wrong. Dont have to spend alot, just get something pretty. Maybe some Christmas charms.

What would be a great gift for you girlfriend at the 5 month marker?

Flowers would be an ideal gift for your girlfriend at the 5 month marker.

What is a good Christmas gift to get for my 14 year old Girlfriend?

A really cute Scarf and hat.

When is the best time to gift Christmas greens?

There are many great times to give one Christmas greens as a gift. The best time to give someone Christmas greens as a gift would be the beginning of December.