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There are many drugs that can slow down the body but they don't come into affect immediately

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Drugs which slow down the central nervous system are called depressants. Alcohol is a familiar example.

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Q: What is a group of drugs that slow down the nervous system?
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What is a group of drugs that depresses the activities of the central nervous system?

Barbiturates. Also, benzodiazepines, when administered in significant dosages.

What slows down the functioning of the Central Nervous System?

Depressant drugs and some illnesses.

Why should dronabinol not be taken with alcohol and other drugs?

Because dronabinol works on the central nervous system, it may add to the effects of alcohol and other drugs that slow down the central nervous system.

What is nervous system depression?

Nervous system depression is not the same thing as depression where you feel sad. It means slowing down of the nervous system. Nervous system depression causes things like slowed heartbeat, dulled mental ability, and slow reflexes. Some drugs and medical conditions can cause this. Sedatives are one medication that causes depression of the nervous system.

Drugs that tend to slow down the central nervous system?

Depressants. aka things such as alcohol, heroine, & many other drugs.

What are the example of barbiturates?

Barbiturates are drugs that slow down your central nervous system, such as alcohol. Other well known barbiturates are sedatives and benzodiazephine.

Are depressants similar to the effects of alcohol?

No. Depressants are the opposite of stimulants. Stimulants are drugs that stimulate the brain and central nervous system, speeding up communication between the two. Depressants slow down the activity of the brain and nervous system, slowing down the communication between the two.

Group of Drugs that slow down the body's functions?

Alcohol and marijuana are two drugs that slow a persons reactions, alcohol can also slow down the body's functions and can shut down a persons liver. Almost all other drugs are stimulants that can speed a persons heart rate and brain activity.

What other system is in place to protect the nervous system?

The nervous system is divided into two major parts called the central nervous system (CNS), which is made up of the brain and spinal cord, and the peripheral nervous system (PNS). The peripheral nervous system is broken down into the somatic nervous system and the autonomic nervous system. Scientists further divide the autonomic nervous system into the sympathetic and the parasympathetic nervous system.

What nervous system gets your body ready for action in an emergency by increasing adrenalin and slowing down digestion.?

sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system