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Q: What is a group of starfish called?
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What is the group of a true starfish called?

A Group Of Starfish Is Called A Tird.

What is the group of true starfish?

A group of starfish collectively is called a tird. The phylum of starfish is called Echinodermata and the kingdom is Animalia.

What vertebrate group is the starfish in?

Starfish are not in a vertebrate group because they do not have vertebrae.

Why is the starfish in the echinoderms group?

asian starfish

What invertebrate group is the starfish in?

the posaidon group

What types of different starfish are there What is the scientific name for a starfish?

It is called toilet water.

What is an animal in the starfish group?


The ventral surface of a starfish is called?

the ventral surface of a starfish is called oral You Jerk.

Which group does a starfish come from?

keystone species

What is the lower surface of the starfish called?

The lower surface of a starfish is technically called the ventral side. This is where both the mouth and stomach is located on the starfish.

Is a starfish a carnivorous?

It's called a starfish that likes meat.

What is a carnivorous starfish?

It's called a starfish that likes meat.