

What is a heard of unicorns?

Updated: 9/23/2023
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11y ago

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The proper term for a group of unicorns is a 'herd'.

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Q: What is a heard of unicorns?
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Is there a movie about serial killer unicorns?

Not that I have ever heard of.

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I have heard that unicorns are excellent with dogs

Are unicorns Greek or not?

Unicorns have no status in any of the Greek nor Roman times that I have seen nor heard of. Pegasus is the mythical creature of their creation, since the unicorn did not originate in Greece I doubt they had anything to do with it at all. Unicorns are widely known in the northern continents though =)

Is there such a thing as a flappy unicorn?

Flappy unicorns can be found in South Poduck, australia. Of course there are regular unicorns in west asia, but flappy unicorns are rare. considering, they have no bones. I suggest researching on Google. I heard they sell for around $300 and do not deliver. Hope it helped!

are unicorn herbivores?

I have never heard of a unicorn-related myth in which the unicorn was carnivorous, so unicorns are herbivorous, yes.

What do you call a flock of unicorns?

A group of unicorns is called a blessing of unicorns.

What is group of unicorns called?

As there is no such thing as unicorns there is no word for a group of unicorns is nathan

Which is better quadricorns or unicorns?


Are there unicorns in England?

There aren't unicorns anywhere.

What do you think of unicorns?

unicorns are my life . <3

Do unicorns like bacon?

No unicorns are herbivores

Why did the unicorns and lions fight?

Unicorns are mythological.