

What is a heroic Quest?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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11y ago

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The Heroic Quest is an important literary device that allows readers to identify the consistent and recurring motifs that form epic literature. Analyzing literature using the elements of the heroic quest enables readers to see the deeper meanings inherent in classic literature.

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What is a hero quest?

A guest deemed heroic for it's mission or deeds.

What is true about a call to adventure in a heroic quest myths?

All of the above.

What is the definition of a heroic quest?

A crusade or search for some sacred object.

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What is the goal of each hero's quest?

That depends on which heroic epic you are referring to. Please be more specific.

What is true of the call to adventure in heroic quest myths?

The call to adventure signals the beginning of the hero's journey and invites the hero to leave their ordinary world and embark on a quest. It often comes from an external source or event that disrupts the hero's life and presents a challenge or quest that they must undertake. Accepting the call to adventure sets the hero on a transformative journey of growth, learning, and self-discovery.

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The hero is often but not always found in humble circumstances.

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refusal of the call (referring to the call of adventure)

What are the seven stages of the heroic pattern?

There are only six, which are: the birth, destiny, the quest, the journey home, the reward, and romantic elements.

What step of the heroic quest archetype occurs when Odysseus has to battle the cyclops Polyphemous?

hero initally refuses to call into action

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Hero faces many temptations

What step of the heroic quest myth best describes the time when Odysseus has to battle the cyclops Polyphemous?

the hero faces many trials