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Q: What is a hollow muscle the size of a fist?
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What muscle close a fist?

The heart is a organ-muscle that is about the same size of your fist.

What muscle is about the size of your fist?

Your heart !

How big is the cardiac muscle?

Size varies from person to person, but typically its about the size of its owners' clenched fist.

What is the size of a human heart?

The average size of the human heart is as big as your fist.

What is the growth of your heart?

Your heart grows only through your teenage years, just like your bones, genitals and female breasts. The best way to understand the size of your heart is to compare it to the size of your clenched fist (punching fist). An infant's fist is much smaller than an adult's fist. The size of the heart is roughly equal to the size of the fist. The heart cannot continue growing through adulthood to old age because the cardiac muscle would not be able to fit in the chest or pump effectively if it kept growing. When the heart muscle is damaged and becomes flabby or unable to pump, the person can go into heart failure or can have a heart attack.

How do you estimate the size of human heart?

Your heart size can be measured by looking at your very own fist. For most people it is about the size of your fist.

What is the heart's size?

The human heart is a pear-shaped structure about the size of a fist.

What is the shape of the Cardiac muscle?

Your cardiac muscles is your heart. Make a fist with one of your hands. This is the closest and most accurate shape and size of YOUR heart.

Which muscle in the body is hollow?

The heart

What is the heart size like?

like our fist ex: close your fist that is th size of our heart

What type of muscle is found in the wall of hollow internal organs?

Smooth Muscle

How big is an average heart?

Typical heart of an adult [1]: 4.7 in (12cm) in length 3.1 in (8cm) to 3.5 in (9cm) in breadth 2.4 in (6cm) in thickness