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I found OPI Nail Lacquer thinner worked like a dream!. I put a few drops on a Q tip & rubbed a small spot at a time, then rubbed it off quickly with a micro fiber cloth. Depending on how thick the polish is, you have to switch Q tips often. This took Glitter polish off our LCD flat screen TV.

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Q: What is a home remedy for removing fingernail polish from a TV screen?
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nail polish remover.

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I had some nail polish smudge on my screen today, carefully scratched off as much dried nail polish as I could, then dampened a Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and spent a few minutes rubbing the rest of the nail polish residue away, worked like a charm! I heard nail polish remover might damage the laptop screen as it's not made of glass it's an LCD. Don't know for sure if that's true but didn't want to chance it!

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Its better to use screen cleaner of the type used for computer monitors as these are alcohol based and dry without leaving a reside. Polish can be affected by the heat of the screen. DO NOT clean a hot screen and do not press hard of the screen itself as this can cause damage . Always refer to the manufacturers instructions as well as there are issues of warranty to consider

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Nail Polish remover crazy but it works

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use paint remover/thinner/ nail polish remover

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Yes, although it may appear scratched if you have a screen protector because what appears to be a scratch is actually a rip in your protector, and if you run your fingernail through the scratch and you feel your scratch indent, it's not a scratch in your iPhone screen, it is only a rip in your protector

How do you remove nail polish off HDTV?

Eucalyptus oil will remove sticky glue left behind from peel off items and should help remove your nail remover mark. Otherwise white vinegar and bic-carb soda mixed together to remove stains.

How do you get candle wax out of the screen on a big screen TV?

I have had good results in removing wax from various things by using a hair dryer and a paper towel. You can try it.