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In "The Monkey's Paw" by W.W. Jacobs, a hyperbole is used when the character Mr. White exclaims that the monkey's paw has the power to grant any wishes, no matter how extraordinary or impossible they may seem. This exaggeration emphasizes the paw's mysterious and potentially dangerous nature.

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Q: What is a hyperbole in the monkeys paw by ww Jacobs?
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The first wish made on the monkey's paw in "The Monkey's Paw" by W.W. Jacobs was for £200.

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Yes, W.W. Jacobs had two children, a son named William Wymark Jacobs Jr. and a daughter named Elsie Sophia Jacobs.

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WW Jacobs creates tension and suspense in the third part of "The Monkey's Paw" by building up the sense of dread through foreshadowing and the characters' reactions. The slow pacing and ominous atmosphere contribute to the increasing tension as the consequences of using the monkey's paw become apparent. The final climax is intensified by the unexpected and tragic outcome, leaving readers feeling unsettled and haunted by the story's events.

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How many book did ww Jacobs write?

W.W. Jacobs was an English author known for his short stories, including "The Monkey's Paw" and "The Lady of the Barge." While he wrote numerous short stories and articles, he did not write any full-length books.

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Which conflicts are internal conflicts The Monkeys Paw by WW Jacobs?

In "The Monkey's Paw" by W.W. Jacobs, the main internal conflict occurs within Mr. White, as he battles with his desires and fears when using the monkey's paw to make wishes. He experiences the conflict between wanting to satisfy his desires and the consequences that come with each wish he makes. Additionally, Mrs. White also faces internal conflict as she struggles with grief and the temptation to use the paw to reunite with her son.

What are the major events in the monkey paw by ww Jacobs?

Mr. Whites 200 pounds mortgage owing is important because it foreshadows the compensation the whites got for Herbert's death and it foreshadows Mr. Whites first wish.

How many siblings did WW Jacobs have?

2 brothers and 3 sisters

How did WW Jacobs die?

Jacob doesn't die, but he is seriously injured in Eclipse