

What is a investigation that is controlled?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What is a investigation that is controlled?
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What is An investigation controlled?

An investigation in science that is controlled is an experiment. The group within the experiment that is controlled is the control group.

What is the word that defines an investigation that is controlled?

Experiment is the word that defines an investigation in science that is controlled.

What an investigation that is controlled?

An investigation in science that is controlled is an experiment. The group within the experiment that is controlled is the control group.

Investigation that is controlled?

A scientist test

What is and investigation that is controlled?

Scientific Method

An investigation that is controlled?

A scientist test

What does controlled scientific investigation mean?

it means i dont know

How many independent variables are there in a simple controlled investigation?

In a simple controlled investigation, there is typically only one independent variable that is intentionally manipulated by the researcher. This allows for evaluating the effect of that variable on the dependent variable while keeping other factors constant.

Investigation done in a controlled setting that test a hypothesis?

scientific method

Definition to experimenting means?

Experiment: the act of conducting a controlled test or investigation.

What is one way the results of an investigation can be more reliable?

An investigation which is conducted under strictly controlled and monitored conditions is likely to result in mor reliable investigations.

What word belongs to this definition an investigation that tests only one factor at a time?

a controlled experiment