

What is a kangaroo farm?

Updated: 10/8/2023
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10y ago

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There is no such thing as a true or legal kangaroo farm.

Kangaroos are not farmed for any purpose. The meat, fur and leather obtained from kangaroos is harvested from wild kangaroos, not from any animals in captivity anywhere in the world.

Animal sanctuaries and zoos are permitted to have kangaroos. Other than that, kangaroos are not permitted to be kept as pets in Australia or anywhere in the world. Kangaroos and wallabies are protected by Australian law, and they should not be purchased by people overseas to satisfy a whim for an exotic pet. Within Australia, they may only be kept by a registered wildlife carer who has a licence.

The Australian government has only permitted the export of kangaroos and wallabies overseas for non-commercial purposes. This means that smaller, private zoos have been permitted to have them. Unfortunately, this has resulted in numerous kangaroos and wallabies escaping from their enclosures (due to mismananagement and lack of understanding of the animals' needs), causing the development of feral populations overseas.

Despite permitting the export of these animals, this still does not mean that kangaroos or wallabies may be kept as pets. Anyone who sells kangaroos or wallabies overseas is, in effect, flouting Australian law by exploiting them for commercial purposes.

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10y ago

There is no such thing as a true kangaroo farm.

Kangaroos are not farmed for any purpose. The meat, fur and leather obtained from kangaroos is harvested from wild kangaroos, not from any animals in captivity anywhere in the world.

Animal sanctuaries and zoos are permitted to have kangaroos. Other than that, kangaroos are not permitted to be kept as pets in Australia or anywhere in the world. Kangaroos and wallabies are protected by Australian law, and they should not be purchased by people overseas to satisfy a whim for an exotic pet. Within Australia, they may only be kept by a registered wildlife carer who has a licence.

The Australian government has only permitted the export of kangaroos and wallabies overseas for non-commercial purposes. This means that smaller, private zoos have been permitted to have them. Unfortunately, this has resulted in numerous kangaroos and wallabies escaping from their enclosures (due to mismananagement and lack of understanding of the animals' needs), causing the development of feral populations overseas.

Despite permitting the export of these animals, this still does not mean that kangaroos or wallabies may be kept as pets. Anyone who sells kangaroos or wallabies overseas is, in effect, flouting Australian law by exploiting them for commercial purposes.

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