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Q: What is a key idea in the work of John Locke is the importance?
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What importance was a key in the work of John Locke?

The importance of the consent of the gorverned.

A key in the work of john Locke is the importance of?

Consent of the governed.

A key idea in the work of john Locke?

consent of the governed

A key idea in the work of John Locke is the importance of?

Consent of the governed.

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john locke

Did john Locke sign the constitution?

No, John Locke did not sign the constitution. He died in 1704. That was years before the American revolution which took place from 1775 to 1783. However, many of John Locke's work made great influences for the constitution and the declaration of independence.

What is the name of the philosopher whose writings about a social contract?

The Two Treatises of Government is a work of political philosophy published anonymously in 1689 by John Locke.

Why john Locke believe in morals?

because he felt there are moral laws at work i the universe.

What sources influenced the framers in the constitution?

The framers were influenced by many different things, but one of the clearest influences is the work and philosophy of john Locke. Locke wrote about the importance of the ruler having the consent of the governed, about free elections, and about the value of each person to pursue their own rights to life, liberty, and property.

Why was John Locke's work so important?

John Locke was the first to think of the natural rigths a man or woman is born with. He influced Thomas Jefferson and a lot of his ideas influenced the US Constitution

Why was John Locke's book banned?

John Locke's book "Two Treatises of Government" was not banned. It was a key work in the development of political philosophy and had significant influence on the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.

Which European philosopher advanced the idea that people have the right to abolish a government that abuses their natural rights?

John Locke, the English philosopher advanced the idea of natural rights in his work "Two Treaties of Government" denying the divine rights of kings. Later rousseau, French philosopher elaborated on the idea in his work called "Social Contract".