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a deficiency

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Q: What is a lack of certain nutrient?
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What is An illness caused by lack of sufficient amount of a nutrient?

Illness caused by lack of sufficient amount of a nutrient is called "malnutrition".

What nutrient is missing on goitre?

the main nutrient for goitre is the lack of movement that you do and the man symptons are that u will get lump nside your neck which only moves up and down.

What lack of nutrient is caused by xerophthalmia?

Vitamin A

What would be a primary nutrient deficiency?

primary nutrient deficiency is caused by lack of intake of said nutrient (deficiency is caused by not consuming the nutrient in adequate amounts)

Why does some plant don't grow?

because they lack nutrient

What nutrient is missing when you get kwashiorkor?

kwashioskor is lack of what vitamins?

What nutrient is needed to prevent scurvy?

Scurvy can be the result of a lack of vitamin D

What is the nutrient that forms a coating on nerves?

The class of nutrient that is necessary for production of certain hormones and that forms a coating on nerves is

Disease caused by lack of nutrient in your body?

Anaemia, goitre, obesity and many more

What nutrient is only found in animal products?

There is no known nutrient that is only found in animal products. Although vegetarians and vegans often lack certain nutrients because a balanced diet is more difficult to sustain when animal products are removed, they should theoretically be able to consume any dietary nutrients that omnivorous people do.

What is the dificiency?

caused by a lack of a nutrient in the diet

Nutrient density refers to food that?

Nutrient density refers to how nutritious a certain food can be. Nutrient density refers to all different kinds of foods.