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Q: What is a lack of sufficient oxygen intake is an example of?
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Why is oxygen needed for?

Oxygen is used as an electron carrier in oxidative phosphorylation during aerobic respiration. If there's a lack of oxygen the body starts to respire anaerobically, which is nowhere near sufficient for the body's needs

What is a sign of cyanosis?

the bluish discoloration of the tissues caused by a lack of sufficient oxygen in the blood typically seen at the mucous membranes and nail beds

What is An illness caused by lack of sufficient amount of a nutrient?

Illness caused by lack of sufficient amount of a nutrient is called "malnutrition".

What is lack of oxygen?

Medically, lack of oxygen is referred to as, "Hypoxia."

What is it call when normal breathing stops or oxygen intake is insufficient to support life?

When normal breathing stops or oxygen intake is insufficient to support life, it may be called hypoxia, or it may be called death.

What do other planets or the moon lack that prevents life as you know it to exist?

They lack enough oxygen to support life. In addition, they either lack sufficient heat, like Pluto (which is not considered a planet anymore) or are simply too hot, like Venus, for life to exist.


Shallow breathing can be indicative of pneumonia, asthma, or a lack of oxygen. If the body does not receive sufficient air, it will quickly shut down and cause death.

Human red blood cells that lack sufficient hemoglobin would have a low amount of what substance?

oxygen. also iron, as iron binds to Hb which allows it to pick up oxygen from the lungs ... and CO2 from the metabolising cells..

What does oxygenated blood mean?

It means blood that is filled with oxygen.It means the Haem group has bonded with 4 oxygen atoms, and is 'full'.Oxygenated blood runs through the arteriesBasically, it means that there's oxygen in the blood

What is the term for lack of sufficient hemoglobin?


When breathing stops from lack of oxygen is called what?

When breathing stops from lack of oxygen

What makes you yawn when someone else does?

A person yawns as a response to the lack of oxygen in one's bloods stream usually, but, depending on situation it varies. For example in the morning, it is to boost the oxygen intake so as to wake you up or in class, to get rid of your drowsiness.) We yawn when someone else yawns because your body thinks that person is responding to a drop in oxygen in the room thus you yourself yawn to increase oxygen in your own blood stream.