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Build up of lactic acid - and thus a change in pH.

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Q: Why does the lack of oxygen in muscles often lead to cramps among cricketers?
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Why do soldiers faint after standing at attention for a long time?

Because standing still for so long cramps up all your muscles and blood does not flow properly and this starves your brain of much needed oxygen so as a defence it shuts down to protect it from damage. It can also be because you are dehydrated or more commonly among soldiers, hungover.

What causes cramp?

Sitting in a certain position for a long time could cause cramp. A lack of potassium can let you cramp up easier. To prevent this, eat more bananas. Seriously! They have lots of potassium in them.

What muscles are bring worked during sit ups?

Abdominal muscles, among others.

What muscles are mimetic muscles?

They are facial muscles innervated by the facial nerve that, among other things, control facial expression.

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Do the lungs take carbon dioxide from the blood?

No. Your lungs pass oxygen into the blood and also pass carbon dioxide to the air outside your body. Oxygen combines with carbon to form carbon dioxide. This happens in our muscles, among other places.

Are oxygen or carbon metallic?

No, oxygen and carbon are, among many others, nonmetallic elements.

What was oxygen used for?

Breathing, among other things...

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What two gases are exchange among arteries veins and capillaries?

oxygen and carbondioxide

Does combustion release oxygen into the atmosphere?

no it burns the oxygen and releases co2 (carbondioxide) among other pollutants

Two major differences among animals are?

Oxygen and co2