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It is a biome.

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Q: What is a large land community of living organisms of a single ecological region called?
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Ecological succession?

Living organisms slowly modify the evironment

What is the community of living organisms and their abiotic or living environment called?

You asked; What is a community of organisms and their physical environment is called? Well, it's called an ecosystem! An ecosystem is known also as, the living and nonliving things in an area, interacting with each other. Make sense now? :)

What is community of organisms called?

A community of organisms is made up of populations of differnet species that interact with each other in some way.

What is ecological study?

Ecology is a scientific study that focuses on the relationship of living organisms with the abiotic environment. The person who examines this relationship is called an ecologist.

What is included in a community '?

living organisms

What is the number of different organisms in an ecosystem called?

A population is a group of one species living in an environment. A community is a collection of these populations, and an ecosystem is the interactions of this community and the environment (biotic and abiotic factors).

What is another name for community of organisms?

Community Of Living Things

What is a distinct ecological community of plants and animals living in a particular climate?

a biome

All the organisms that live together in an area?

Group of one species living together is called population. Group of populations living in an area is called community. Group of populations living in an area plus the environment around them is called ecosystem.

Number and variety of living organisms includes genetics species and ecological types?


What is the science that studies living organisms in space?

Ecology, or ecological science, is the scientific study of the distribution and abundance of living organisms and how the distribution and abundance are affected by interactions between the organisms and their environment.

True or false an existing community is gradually replaced by another community in an ecological succession?

Ecological Succession--The gradual replacement of one community by anotherPrimary Succession--Ecological succession that happens where there are few, if any, living things.Secondary Succession--Ecological succession in a place where a community already exists.