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Q: What is a large red planet that starts with the letter j?
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A large red planet that starts with a j?

Well there's Jupiter. That's large, but it's orange. Mars is red, but it's half the size of Earth.

What is a large planet that is known as the red spot?

Actually the Great Red Spot is on a planet not a planet its self . It is on the planet Jupiter.

Something red that starts with m?

How about Mars which is called the red planet.

Which planet has large red spot?


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Why is Mars viewed as the red planet?

Mars is viewed as the red planet because of the large amounts of iron oxide on the surface

A tree that starts with the letter R?

A tree that starts with the letter R.....Red Maple.

What flower starts with letter P and is red?

Pansies can be red Petunias

What planet has a large red spot thought to be a hurricane?


What is the name of a large red planet that start with j?


Which planet has a huge red red spot?

Jupiter has a great red spot that large enough to contain two or three earth sized planet