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A large round metal instrument that is crashed together or hit with a stick is a cymbal. It is a common percussion instrument used in various types of music, such as orchestral and marching band performances, as well as in popular Music Genres. Cymbals come in different sizes and thicknesses, each producing a unique sound when played.

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Q: What is a large round metal instrument that are crashed together or hit with a stick?
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What is a Type of large metal gong?

A type of large metal gong is called a tam-tam. It is a percussion instrument typically made of bronze or another metal, and it produces a deep and resonant sound when struck with a mallet. Tam-tams are commonly used in orchestras and other musical ensembles for their distinctive and powerful sound.

What keeps metal together?

Metal is held together by metallic bonds, which are formed when metal atoms share their outer electrons with neighboring atoms. This sharing of electrons allows the metal atoms to move freely and creates a strong bond that gives metals their characteristic properties such as conductivity and malleability.

How are atoms held together in a in solid potassium metal?

In solid potassium metal, atoms are held together by metallic bonding, where the outer electrons are delocalized and free to move throughout the structure. This leads to a "sea of electrons" surrounding positively charged metal ions, creating a strong attraction that holds the atoms together in a lattice structure.

Is CBr4 metal or non-metal?


Why can different numbers of metal and non metal atoms create ionic bonds together?

Metal atoms tend to lose electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration, forming positive ions. Non-metal atoms tend to gain electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration, forming negative ions. When a metal and non-metal come together, the transfer of electrons from the metal to the non-metal leads to the formation of ionic bonds. The resulting attraction between the oppositely charged ions creates a stable compound.