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Q: What is a large tree yielding a timber similar to rosewood?
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Why is it important to reduce demands for timber?

There will be large shortfalls in timber supplies.

What region in the US has timber?

A large amount of timber is produced in the state of Washington.

What is a large tropical west African tree yielding hard wood?


What hunt timber wolves?

Large ungulates

What is Kiln Dried Timber?

This is timber that has been dried in a kiln (large heated structure) instead of being dried outside under cover.

What is a beam?

A beam is a crossbar of a balance, a large piece of timber or iron, a horizontal timber of a building, or a ray or collection of rays of parallel light.

What is the answer for the hink pink a large branch?

limber timber

Where can one learn more about timber frame houses?

Timber frame houses are the most difficult frame houses to construct. Due to the large heavy timber, these logs need alot of man power to lift. There are a few houses that are constructed with a timber frame.

What is the habitat of TIMBER WOLF?

the timber wolf is a sub- name for the grey wolf. In the coniferous range, we call the Grey wolf the Timber wolf. Timber wolves need lots of space with little or no people, and a continual food supply, from as large as a moose to as small as a mouse.

Where is the timber industry successful?

The timber industry is a large world wide industry. Successful timber producing corporations exist in Canada, the United States, Brazil and Australia. There are more than this of course, however, the ones mentioned are extremely successful.

What are light years and astronomical most useful?

Units such as light years and astronomical units are useful because they can be used to measure very large distances without yielding extremely large numbers.

What are the defect in timber?

Timber can have various blemishes or defects, including shake, checking, wane, and splits. Most are accounted for in normal engineering reviews, but sometimes if the defect is large, it can cause a structural problem.