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A lead for a mystery is a piece of information or clue that helps move the investigation forward. It can point detectives in a certain direction, provide insights into the case, or lead to potential suspects. Following up on leads is crucial in solving mysteries.

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Q: What is a lead for a mystery?
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What is mystery lead?

This type of lead promises the reader a surprise or a treat for reading it. They set up a story like a mystery novel. They only work when the subject matter lends itself to his approach.

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A 'red herring' is a false lead or clue, intended to lead the investigators in the wrong direction.

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The poet may believe that life is a mystery because it is complex, unpredictable, and filled with unknowns. Life presents challenges, changes, and experiences that are often mysterious and challenging to fully comprehend or explain. This ambiguity and enigma of life can lead the poet to view it as a mystery.

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It is not known what country made the discovery of lead. Some of the oldest finds of lead were found in Turkey as far back as 6400 BC. That was a string of beads. Lead has been used in the making of different types of ammunition for thousands of years.

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The song All Star was linked to the movie Mystery Men and featured prominently in the film. It is by the band Smash Mouth and the lead singer for the song is Steve Harwell.

Were to get arseus without mystery gift?

spear piller. first you need a azure flute, if yoy have it, a magicle stair way will lead you to the sky, literaly!

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The Gods/Goddesses being worshiped. If you mean who lead the worship; that would be selected preists/preistesses who dedicated their lifes to the deity.

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