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At a single wavelength, it is called monochromatic

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If it has a single wavelength (or a single frequency, which is the same), it's said to be monochromatic.

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Q: What is a light having one wavelength called?
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What is the difference between blue light and green light?

In the visible region of electromagnetic spectrum VIBGYOR, violet having highest frequency is at one extreme and red having the lowest frequency goes to other extreme. So violet with shortest wavelength and red with the longest.

Can light have a single wavelength?

Yes, light can have a single wavelength. A laser generates a coherent beam of light. It's all one frequency, i.e., it's all the same wavelength.

Is the wavelength of infra-red light to short to be seen?

Visible light has the spectrum VIBGYOR. Violet is at one extreme having highest frequency and red is at the other end having least frequency. Less frequency means having longest wavelength, since wavelength and frequency are inversely related. As we go beyond violet then it is named as ultraviolet. Same way as we go beyond red, then it known as infra red. So its wavelength has to be greater than that of red. Hence longer wavelength for IR radiations. IR is what we call 'thermal' radiation, in other words, 'heat'.

What is one wavelength of light?

The laser light is the type of light that only has one wavelength in its phase. Coherent light is light that has a single frequency and wavelength, and can be described with a single wave equation.

Which has a shorter wavelength green light or red light?

Red light has the longest visible wavelength, so any other color has a shorter one.

Light waves of one wavelength that travels with its crests and troughs aligned is called what?

Light waves of a single wavelength is known as being coherent. This allows constructive interference which occurs when two or more waves are in phase i.e. their crests and troughs are aligned.

What is the relationship between wavelength and frequencyand the speed of light?

Light with a lower frequency will have a longer wavelength. Frequency and wavelength are inversely proportional to each other (i.e. as one increases, the other decreases and vice-a-versa). The product of frequency and wavelength is the speed of light.

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The distance between two successive peaks on a wave is its?

The distance between successive identical parts of a wave is called the wave length.

How does the wavelength of light compare to frequency of light?

Ultraviolet light occurs just above the range of electromagnetc radiation that is detectable by the human eye and has a shorter wavelength than violet. This means it has a higher frequency since all light waves are presumed to travell at the same speed, whether visible to us or not. To explain this in simple terms, if two trains are travelling at the same speed, and one has short cars and the other has long cars, the one with the short cars will pass by us more cars per minute than the one with the long cars. This is called frequency...the number of times something happens in a given time frame.

What happens when light and its wavelength travels from one medium to another?

The speed of light and its wavelength decreases when it enters a new medium. The physicist Snell showed that it can vary.

Is monochromatic light is a ultra violet light?

Monochromatic light is light of one wavelength. E.g. A red laser has one single wavelength and is therefore categorised as 'monochromatic light'. A standard light bulb emits light of many different wavelengths across the visible spectrum and therefore is not 'monochromatic light'.